The contours from the MCMC seem to be too large. I'm going to take some points on the chain and plot the emulator prediciton along with the "truth" at that point and see if they make sense. Additionally, part of my concern is that the errors for the emulator are not right. If I draw a lot of samples from the emulator at that point vs several repops, they should be similar.

In [2]:
from pearce.emulator import OriginalRecipe, ExtraCrispy
from pearce.mocks import cat_dict
import numpy as np
from os import path

In [3]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
from chainconsumer import ChainConsumer

In [4]:
training_dir = '/u/ki/swmclau2/des/PearceLHC_wp_z_test_error'

em_method = 'gp'
split_method = 'random'

In [5]:
fixed_params = {'z':0.0}#, 'r':0.18477483}
n_leaves, n_overlap = 10, 2 emu = ExtraCrispy(training_dir, n_leaves, n_overlap, split_method, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params)

In [6]:
emu = OriginalRecipe(training_dir, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params)

In [7]:

OrderedDict([('logMmin', (11.7, 12.5)),
             ('sigma_logM', (0.2, 0.7)),
             ('logM0', (10, 13)),
             ('logM1', (13.1, 14.3)),
             ('alpha', (0.75, 1.25)),
             ('f_c', (0.1, 0.5)),
             ('r', (0.093735900000000011, 34.082921444999997))])

In [27]:
float(path.dirname(path.join(training_dir, 'a_1.00000/')).split('/')[-1][2:])


In [10]:
from collections import OrderedDict
x = OrderedDict([('logMmin', (11.7, 12.5)),
             ('sigma_logM', (0.2, 0.7)),
             ('logM0', (10, 13)),
             ('logM1', (13.1, 14.3)),
             ('alpha', (0.75, 1.25)),
             ('f_c', (0.1, 0.5)),
             ('r', (0.093735900000000011, 34.082921444999997)),
             ('z', (0.0, 0.5))])
print x

OrderedDict([('logMmin', (11.7, 12.5)), ('sigma_logM', (0.2, 0.7)), ('logM0', (10, 13)), ('logM1', (13.1, 14.3)), ('alpha', (0.75, 1.25)), ('f_c', (0.1, 0.5)), ('r', (0.09373590000000001, 34.082921445)), ('z', (0.0, 0.5))])

In [26]:
emulation_point = [('f_c', 0.233), ('logM0', 12.0), ('sigma_logM', 0.533),
                    ('alpha', 1.083),('logM1', 13.5), ('logMmin', 12.233)]

em_params = dict(emulation_point)

del em_params['z']

param_names = em_params.keys()

In [27]:
rp_bins =  list(np.logspace(-1,1.5,19) )
rp_bins = np.array(rp_bins)
rpoints =  (rp_bins[1:]+rp_bins[:-1])/2.0

In [28]:
from SloppyJoes import lazy_wrapper

In [29]:
# move these outside? hm.
def nll(p):
    # Update the kernel parameters and compute the likelihood.
    # params are log(a) and log(m)
    emu._emulator.kernel[:] = p
    ll = emu._emulator.lnlikelihood(emu.y, quiet=True)

    # The scipy optimizer doesn't play well with infinities.
    return -ll if np.isfinite(ll) else 1e25

# And the gradient of the objective function.
def grad_nll(p):
    # Update the kernel parameters and compute the likelihood.
    emu._emulator.kernel[:] = p
    return -emu._emulator.grad_lnlikelihood(emu.y, quiet=True)

In [30]:
subsample_idxs = np.random.choice(emu.y.shape[0], size = 100)

In [31]:
gp = emu._emulator
gp.compute(emu.x[subsample_idxs, :], emu.yerr[subsample_idxs])

In [32]:
def resids(p, gp, y):
    gp.kernel[:] = p
    return gp.predict(y, gp._x, mean_only=True)-y

In [33]:
print resids(np.ones_like(gp.kernel.vector), gp, emu.y[subsample_idxs])

[  6.65882556e-05  -1.95170390e+00   4.60822764e-01  -1.75901457e+00
  -6.45996651e-01  -1.03985550e+00  -1.06349452e+00  -1.04964571e+00
  -3.97894397e-01  -1.38910812e+00  -1.04293866e+00  -7.32053010e-01
  -1.53980121e+00  -4.99355415e-01  -1.57082619e-01  -4.92203088e-01
  -4.52685843e-01  -1.85173690e+00  -3.29749399e-01   4.40311527e-01
  -4.29147092e-01  -9.01639524e-01   9.31615357e-01   1.56553392e+00
  -1.10411973e+00   2.25613456e-01   2.08730263e-01  -7.84589755e-01
  -6.97192283e-01   7.11317875e-01  -4.24200388e-01   2.62933433e-01
  -5.96850372e-01  -6.79017237e-01  -1.28987230e+00   2.12448016e-01
   6.60195977e-02  -1.67246002e+00  -1.45534617e+00   5.72594314e-01
   6.17365734e-01   2.64341535e-01   1.47825906e+00   5.31348739e-01
  -2.22679775e-01   1.22990281e+00   2.28091722e-01   1.07057245e+00
  -5.74689405e-01   5.92679750e-01   5.44999813e-01   5.42036849e-01
   1.49397485e+00   8.77957136e-01  -1.27559082e+00   1.56023171e-01
   3.85409945e-02  -4.29648681e-01   9.68591614e-01   2.55946762e-01
  -7.51979360e-01  -1.34059534e+00  -7.12149118e-01   6.31637830e-01
  -9.56484427e-01  -1.16717164e+00  -8.49781216e-01   1.43234815e+00
   4.18540012e-01  -2.95030878e-01   7.31350552e-01   3.97846766e-01
   3.09801504e-01  -1.17223615e+00   9.52651647e-01   1.56941370e+00
  -2.35201581e+00   9.80834192e-01  -8.84125391e-01   7.94971147e-01
  -1.05359588e-01   1.51713565e+00   5.45476699e-01  -1.05402008e+00
  -5.40063799e-01   8.96994806e-01   2.58095092e-01   5.21606875e-01
   5.77747863e-01   1.84082623e+00   1.61769934e+00   6.64023127e-01
   5.40104155e-01   1.08175948e+00   1.03491696e+00   1.93968200e+00
   2.39449134e-01   1.62130827e+00   2.13303014e-05   1.44699379e+00]

In [ ]:
results = []
for i in xrange(10000):
    if i%1000==0:
        print i
    vals = np.random.rand(gp.kernel.vector.shape[0])*2
    args = (gp, emu.y[subsample_idxs])
        result = lazy_wrapper(resids, vals, func_args = args, print_level = 0,h=0.1,\
                          artol = 1e-9, xrtol = 1e-21, xtol=1e-20, gtol = 1e-9)
results = np.array(results)

In [ ]:
for i in xrange(results.shape[1]):

In [ ]:
#from SloppyJoes import fdjac

In [ ]:
def fdjac(x, fvec, func, eps, center_diff):

    epsmach = np.finfo(float).eps
    dx = np.zeros_like(x)
    fjac = []
    if center_diff:
        for i in xrange(x.shape[0]):#TODO vectorize
            h = eps*x[i]
            h = eps if h < epsmach else h
            dx[i] = 0.5
            temp1 = func(x+dx)
            temp2 = func(x-dx)
            print temp1- temp2
            dx[i] = 0.0
        for i in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            h = eps *abs(x[i])
            h = eps if h < epsmach else h
            dx[i] = h
            print dx
            temp1 = func(x+dx)
            dx[i] = 0.0
            print temp1, fvec
            fjac.append( (temp1-fvec)/h)

    return np.stack(fjac).T #not sure bout the dimension here

In [ ]:
f = lambda x : resids(x, *args)
fdjac(vals, resids(vals, *args),f, 0.1, False)

In [ ]:
for i in xrange(10):
    print resids(i*vals, *args)

In [ ]:
emu._emulator.kernel[:] = result